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Wojskowa Akademia Techniczna im. Jarosława Dąbrowskiego w Warszawie
Publication date: 2016-11-07
SBN 2016;10(2): 341-358
The content of the article relates to issues in the area of ​​broadly understood security and social security in a regional and global perspective, taking into account the development of the community. The article also presents the main conditions in terms of security that affect the development of the community. They result from the nature of the world and social life, the nation's place on earth, history, tradition, the nature of contemporary threats and the state of the organization of international security. The choice of such a wide range of factors affecting safety results, among others, from due to the need to avoid its erroneous examination, carried out under the influence of the currently fashionable and commonly recognized type of threat, which usually temporarily dominates the assessments and organization of safety. The content of the article referring to the conditions of security is based on the volatility and unpredictability of the environment in regional and global terms and comes down to three basic theses: the need to treat national security as a process subject to constant changes, in which resting on the laurels in a certain period of security condition inevitably leads to tragedy; the need to treat all hypotheses, predictions and prophecies that announce the status quo or refer to the future, not only as incorrect, irresponsible, but also dangerous to the security of the nation; influencing the variability, unpredictability and surprise with regard to national security, it is the necessity to create it, create it, and not only react to the threats that have arisen. In this publication, Security in general refers mainly to issues that include the satisfaction of such needs as: existence, survival, continuity, identity, independence, peace, possession and security of development. Security in the general sense of the word has a subjective character, and being the supreme need of man and social groups, it is at the same time a basic need of the state and international systems. The issues of social threats resulting from growing global and local unemployment, poverty, war, the lack of prospects for improving living conditions, and threats caused by mass, illegal migration of people, which threaten to permanently destabilize the society of these countries, were emphasized. The article is also devoted to issues related to the organization of security in the framework of European Union cooperation. The Member States of the European Union, while pursuing a common foreign policy in the framework of guaranteeing security, significantly increase the international role of integrating Europe. The role of the European Union Member States in the security system is emphasized. Safety is a broad concept, and the demand for it comes with the birth of a human being and is inherent in people throughout their lives, regardless of the state, degree or direction of activity. Due to its essence and social importance, as mankind progresses, it becomes an increasingly complex issue. By its very nature, security is a problem both for individuals and for entire communities.
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