The authors’ approach towards the main topic of this article is retrospective, in a sense of overviewing a politological account of changes occurred during transformation, based on Poland’s contemporary history and in face of its political significance. It presents the position of the left-wing political parties on the issue of rebuilding the country’s economic system in the initial period of transformation. The analysis refers specifically to the issues of social and economic security of Poland, at a given timeline with narrow political spectrum of the political parties. The problems discussed are characterized by the fact that the source database is deliberately limited to the documents and publications that are contemporary to the political events of those times. Indeed, some of the sources base is a chronicle like account of concepts’ evolution in manner corresponding to description relating to times and values of interest. In the opinion of the authors, this allows for methodical individual evaluation of described processes, in reference to the facts analyzed and final synthesis manifestation, within the given processes and their outcome. Moreover, such approach is putting the security questions on proper fundaments of one of the original determinants.
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