The article focuses on the system of protection for the State’s very important officials and objects in Poland. As in every country, there are specialized units designated for protective tasks of such people and objects. At the time of the revival of the Polish State after 123 years of outside dependence, the most essential national institutions were created, as it became indispensable to establish cells and services competent to protect its officials and objects in the State. The protection system is subject to constant evolution and successive modification. The protection model should evolve, and be adapt to new potential threats. This includes the process of transformation because of the use of modern tools and technologies. People in high positions and State officials may be at high risk of attacks on their life and health. Such persons require effective protection at an appropriate level, taking into account the available potential and its effective use. In order to guarantee effective protection of VIPs, it is necessary to properly organize this service, what is determined by State’s institutional structures, tools and appropriate management techniques.
Czerniawski, E.J., 1975. Z mojej służby w Belwederze. Zeszyty Historyczne nr 33. Paryż.
Litwiński, R., 2005. Ochrona dostojników państwowych przez policję w II Rzeczpospolitej. Niepodległość. Czasopismo Poświęcone Najnowszym Dziejom Polski. tom LV, s. 11-35.
Strona Ministerstwa Spraw Wewnętrznych i Administracji, 16932,Sluzba-Ochrony-Panstwa-zastapila-BOR.pdf [access: 19.04.2018].
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