In the paradigm of contemporary international relations as well as international security, an axiological factor plays an important role. It is the significant differences in the value system, shaping and influencing the political systems and security strategies of states, that constitute the main obstacle to building such a universal international "order" that would be consistent with their tradition and society's expectations. The author shows that the process of European integration was significantly influenced by such visions as: neoliberalism, neo-functionalism and constructivism. These visions also indirectly framed the later disputes and concepts regarding European security. The presentation of the evolution of the European order as well as the analysis of European security after the "Cold War" prove significant axiological differences in the approach to the scope and development of the essence of security in Europe. The effect of the considerations on axiological differences in the process of shaping the European order is the analysis of the role and significance of the OSCE, NATO and the European Union in the architecture of European security.
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