The article describes the issues of the organization and functioning of the municipal guard on the example of the City of Lublin. The current solutions regulated in the Polish legal system are presented. The notion of public safety and public order was characterized. The conducted analysis shows that the concepts of public safety and public order in the doctrine are treated as the same concepts. Therefore, a good change in Polish legislation would be to create legal definitions of these concepts, so that the criteria distinguishing these concepts are clear and unambiguous, because at present it is very difficult to indicate the boundaries where security ends and public order begins. Another good change in Polish legislation would be the obligatory nature of the creation of municipal guards, whose activities supported the activities of Police stations. The work uses the dogmatic and legal method and the method of legal functionalism.
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Załącznik do uchwały nr 407/XV/2016 Rady Miasta Lublin z dnia 11 lutego 2016 r. w sprawie nadania Regulaminu Organizacyjnego Straży Miejskiej Miasta Lublin oraz zmiany uchwały w sprawie utworzenia jednostki organizacyjnej Gminy Lublin pod nazwą Straż Miejska Miasta Lublin oraz uchwalenia jej regulaminu.
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