The purpose of this paper is to present the coordination of the operation of the national rescue and firefighting system in Poland as an integral part of the organization of the internal security of the state. This system brings together fire protection units and other services, inspections and guards. The national emergency and fire system executes tasks in situations of extraordinary threats to people or environment that constitute a significant element of the civil protection system. This system ensures development of actions, effectiveness and efficiency of the measures and forces employed for executing both simple and uncomplicated tasks as well as full-scale and long-lasting actions. The system also ensures transparency of giving commands and orders as well as compatibility of actions and equipment in various rescue activities along with high operational readiness and efficiency of rescue entities that are in the system as well. In the presented article, the Author aims to answer the following question: How does the coordination process of the national rescue and firefighting system in Poland enable the implementation of basic rescue tasks, adjusting them to the specificity and type of events, natural disasters?
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