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Państwowa Szkoła Wyższa im. Jana Pawła II w Białej Podlaskiej
Wojskowa Akademia Techniczna im. Jarosława Dąbrowskiego w Warszawie
Uczelnia Techniczno-Handlowa im. Heleny Chodkowskiej w Warszawie
Publication date: 2017-12-01
SBN 2017;12(2): 177-208
This study provides the definitions of "security" and "international security". The authors claim that the definition of "international security" has a very wide range of content, in contrast to the general concept of "security" or the definition of "national security". The paper characterizes the models of international security. The threats to international security were analyzed, incl. terrorism or cyber threats, which showed that for the good of the modern world, countries should cooperate with each other, because ensuring security is possible only through multilateral activities on its behalf. Institutions responsible for international security are presented, and then the focus is on threats to Poland's security in the light of local conflicts of the 20th and 21st centuries. Considering security in the subjective sense, the authors of the study emphasized that there is a division representing security not only in the national, but also in the regional and global dimension. This classification is also interesting in that, based on the determinant of the extent of security, it is possible to distinguish between internal security and external security from international security. In the course of the analysis of the subject over safety conducted by the authors in the literature, attention was paid to the division of safety in terms of the subject, shown in the context of diagnosing the state of danger and the source of danger. Looking at security according to the criterion of the subject, the undoubted fact here is the dependence on civilization development and moral transformations in society as a source of new threats translating into the existence and activity of the state. Initially, threats to the state had their source in the military-military element of the state, however, with the passage of time, measures were initiated to maintain the state of peace also in various areas of state power administration. The existing dependence between the influence of law and order in various areas of state activity and the overall state of national security has been noticed. As a result of the analysis, it was found that the current political and military situation in Poland is relatively safe and stable, thanks to cooperation with Western countries, although this is not a situation that guarantees complete security. According to the authors, the causes of a potential threat to Poland's security should be seen, inter alia, in in the progressive anarchization of social and political life in Russia, which has nuclear weapons, the unstable situation in Belarus and Ukraine, but also in the increasing number of immigrants in Poland in recent years. Poland should not ignore any of the potential security threats, which is supported by the strategic location of the country and the constantly changing political, social and military situation. The countries of the European Union should also be prepared for the possibility of local conflicts that threaten the international and internal security of individual states. The authors of the study emphasize that international security organizations are not able to ensure complete security in the world, including due to the lack of effective mechanisms for the enforcement of treaty provisions or increasing nationalisms or national and religious divisions. The whole world must be of interest to these organizations, because it is impossible to predict where a conflict will suddenly break out. It is impossible to consider the state of international security without referring to the archaic, basic requirements related to the individual need to live in the peace of the smallest part of society. The need for security is one of the necessary needs in life, one might risk saying that it is the most important need in the human hierarchy of values. There is no national security if the security of a single individual is not ensured in terms of not meeting the necessary values ​​and needs. Only at the moment of guaranteeing existence and further development is it possible to put forward a thesis that a single person or a superpower is safe. If it comes to satisfying the basic needs of a human being in a nation, one can risk a statement that then we have a state of security of the nation as the general public in a given country. If we want to talk about security in the context of the entire nation, it cannot be ignored that it is built by external security, which is a state during which the country makes efforts to limit the influence from outside the state so that they are as least severe as possible for the society.
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